PHP, meet OAuth 2.0

Over the last few months I’ve been developing a PHP library that helps you work with OAuth 2.0 in a number of different ways:

  • Develop an authentication server which can be used as part of a web “single sign on” solution.
  • Secure your APIs with access tokens and scopes.
  • Easily sign users in to many different OAuth 2.0 identity providers.

The code for the authentication and resource server can be found on Github here

The server library code requires PHP 5.3+, is hooked into Packagist (a bit like Ruby Gems but for PHP) and has 100% unit test code coverage. It has built in support for the following grants:

You can easily create you own grants by extending \OAuth2\Grant\GrantInterface. I’m going to be creating plugins which support JSON web tokens and the SAML assertions.

The code for the client library can be found here – at the time of writing it isn’t quite finished, I’ll blog when it is.

Over the next few blog posts I’ll document how to use the libraries.

Update w/c 3rd September

I’ve spent the last few weeks working away on the OAuth PHP library which now includes a resource server as well as an authentication server. I’ve also started merging in Phil Sturgeon’s OAuth 2.0 client code library, which when I’ve finished, will result in a mean, lean PHP library for working with any aspect of OAuth 2.0 (authentication, resource sharing or client side). Both server classes are now fully unit tested and I’m at 90% code coverage for all of the methods. I’ve started writing documentation for the library too and I’m going to write a tutorial on how to build an OAuth secured API server in the CodeIgniter framework.

On the UAG side, both Tim and I have been reading Mastering Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Customisation (Amazon link). I’ve now got some ideas about how we can easily integrate the university’s OAuth server that I developed with our UAG install. More on this soon.

Quick update

I’ve not blogged in a little while so I thought I’d give an update on what is happening with Linkey.

First I’ve been working with Paul in the library to capture (videos and screenshots) examples of poor user experience accessing various resources including electronic journals and databases, printers, and users’ library accounts.

I’ve also been trawling through last year’s NSS results to find examples of where students particularly struggled to access IT and library resources. I will then produce visualisations of these.

It is important to capture these examples so that hopefully by the end of the project we can show how we’ve improved the situation.

This week we launched our Ezproxy service [note: requires authentication] which has already improved accessing a number of resources including articles from the American Chemical Society, EBSCO Publishing and Oxford University Press.

I’ve also been working away at the new PHP OAuth library. Originally this was just going to be code for implementing an authentication server and a resource server, but now it is also going to include client code too thanks to Phil Sturgeon offering to integrate his existing code. As a result we’re going to have a lean and mean library that can help anyone work with any aspect of OAuth 2.

Linkey, Chapter One

It’s 9am on Monday 25th June 2012 and the Linkey project is officially kicking off.

What is Linkey

Linkey is a JISC funded research project under the Access and Identity Management programme. It will run from June 2012 to May 2013.

The project will provide a detailed case study of the use of OAuth as an authorisation protocol here at the University of Lincoln. Working closely with the university Library, we will examine how the OAuth 2.0 specification can be integrated into a ‘single sign on’ environment alongside Microsoft’s Unified Access Gateway.

Our intention is to show how OAuth 2.0 can be used as part of an access and identity environment in higher education that improves the student experience by:

  1. A consistent and user centric sign-­in experience.
  2. A richer exchange of user information between applications.
  3. Easier development and implementation of new products.


A recent review of the university’s library systems and services indicated that we had around 10 core applications which provide access to over 150 other resources, all of which have different methods of authenticating users – some used LDAP to authenticate users (and so users use their network username and password) and others had their own database of users (which require a different passwords – and in some cases usernames – and every single one of these flows have a different sign in experience; some are web based with various designs, others are desktop based with a mixture of custom sign-in windows and Microsoft sign-in screens. Over 80% of user queries sent to the Library’s support email address around about problems accessing resources.

Outside of the library there are over 100 other systems and services that have visibility in the business processes across the university which also authenticate in a number of different ways.

All of these different authentication flows lead to a very inconsistent user experience and consistently for the last few years this has been highlighted in numerous student surveys.


I (Alex Bilbie) will be undertaking the majority of the work on the project. This will include researching technological solutions, engaging with end users, developing the open source OAuth 2.0 PHP server and working on the final implementation.

The principal user on the project will be Dave Masterson, Head of Electronic Library Services, who has been charged with improving the usability of our Library’s online services.

The project manager for the project will be Joss Winn, Senior Lecturer in CERD and co-ordinator of the LNCD group.

Tim Simmonds, Online Services Team Manager, will assume management and oversight of the technical implementation of both OAuth and UAG.


The high level work plan is a below:

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Initiate project X
Community Engagement X X X X X X X X X X X X
Gather user requirements X X X X X X X X X X
Evaluate available technologies and options X X X X
Design Solution X X X
Technical development and implementation X X X X X X X
Write case study X X X X X X X X X X X
Write/submit conference paper X X X X X X
OAuth workshop  X
Project close X

You can follow the day to day activity on our Pivotal Tracker project page.


The anticipated outcomes of the project are:

  1. A case study of our implementation of OAuth 2.0 together with Microsoft’s UAG product. We will provide draft sections of the final case study in 12 monthly blog posts, allowing for early peer-review.
  2. Continued development of our open source OAuth 2.0 server (based on my server code), including an implementation of the SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0 specification and other relevant extensions to the main standard. We aim to produce a ‘drop in’ solution for OAuth 2.0, in a similar way that the SimpleSAMLphp project supports SAML implementations.
  3. A public workshop on the use of OAuth 2.0 in Further and Higher Education.
  4. A conference/journal paper, based on our case study.
  5. Expertise in the implementation of an institution-wide infrastructure for AIM.