Quick update

I’ve not blogged in a little while so I thought I’d give an update on what is happening with Linkey.

First I’ve been working with Paul in the library to capture (videos and screenshots) examples of poor user experience accessing various resources including electronic journals and databases, printers, and users’ library accounts.

I’ve also been trawling through last year’s NSS results to find examples of where students particularly struggled to access IT and library resources. I will then produce visualisations of these.

It is important to capture these examples so that hopefully by the end of the project we can show how we’ve improved the situation.

This week we launched our Ezproxy service [note: requires authentication] which has already improved accessing a number of resources including articles from the American Chemical Society, EBSCO Publishing and Oxford University Press.

I’ve also been working away at the new PHP OAuth library. Originally this was just going to be code for implementing an authentication server and a resource server, but now it is also going to include client code too thanks to Phil Sturgeon offering to integrate his existing code. As a result we’re going to have a lean and mean library that can help anyone work with any aspect of OAuth 2.

How OAuth 2.0 works

The following sequence describes how the OAuth 2.0 web-server flow works. The web-server flow is the most common OAuth flow which most implementations support.

Before we begin there is some terminology that needs to be understood:

  • Resource owner (a.k.a. the User)
    An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource. When the resource owner is a person, it is referred to as an end-user.
  • Resource server
    The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.
  • Client
    An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorisation. The term client does not imply any particular implementation characteristics (e.g. whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, or other devices).
  • Authorisation server
    The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorisation.

The web-server flow

1) The client redirects the user to the authentication server with the following information

  • The client’s ID (client_id)
  • A redirect URI where the user will returned to after they’ve authenticated with the authentication server and approved the client (redirect_uri)
  • The type of response that the client accepts (response_type)
  • A list of data which the client wishes to access on behalf of the user (scope)
  • A state parameter which is an anti-CSRF token (state)
	HTTP/1.1 302 Found
	Location: https://auth-server.tld/authorise?response_type=code

2) The user signs into the authentication server and, if they haven’t already, approves the client to access their data. The user is informed which data the client wishes to access (defined by the scope parameter). If the user has already approved the application the server will check if the scope parameter matches that of the previous request and if it doesn’t will ask the user to sign in again.

3) The authentication server redirects the user back to the client (based on the redirect_uri parameter) with an authorisation code and the anti-CSRF token in the query string

	HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: http://client.tld/signin/redirect

4) The client then exchanges the authorisation code for an access token by authenticating itself with the authentication server

	POST http://auth-server.tld/access_token HTTP/1.1
	Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

5) The authorisation server will perform the following validation:

  • Check that the client_id and client_secret are valid parameters
  • Check that the [authorisation] code matches the client_id and the redirect_uri

If the parameter pass the validation checks then the authentication server will respond with the access token that the client needs to access the user’s data. The server may also include a refresh token in the response.

	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
	Cache-Control: no-store
	Pragma: no-cache

Accessing resources

Once the client has the access token it can then make requests to the resource server for the user’s data

	POST http://resource-server.tld/user/details HTTP/1.1
	Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Angst against OAuth

Tim Bray, a developer at Google wrote in a recent blog post that he believes:

The new technology coming down the pipe, OAuth 2 and friends, is way too hard for developers; there need to be better tools and services if we’re going to make this whole Internet thing smoother and safer.

As someone who has been working with OAuth 2.0 for almost 18 months now I disagree with Tim’s position that OAuth 2.0 is “way too hard” for developers. The web-server flow essentially is a simple two step process:

  1. A redirection from the client to the authorisation server
  2. A POST request to the authorisation server to swap the authorisation code for an access token

I find it hard to believe that those two simple steps are too much for developers to implement in their applications.

It’s true that OAuth 1.0a was a pain to implement – just take a look at Twitter’s OAuth 1.0a guide to see how complicated it is in compared to the v2.0 flow I’ve described above – however as more and more service providers offer OAuth 2.0 endpoints I believe that developers will realise how easy it is to actually implement.

What is OAuth?

The OAuth website describes OAuth as:

An open protocol to allow secure API authorisation in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.

Essentially OAuth is a security protocol that enables users to grant third-party access to their web resources without sharing their passwords.

OAuth grew out of discussions between developers from Twitter and Ma.gnolia who wanted to authorise desktop applications to access their services. A working group was formed in 2007 to draft a proposal for an open standard. Developers from both Google and Yahoo also contributed to this work.

The first OAuth Core 1.0 draft was released in late 2007. In 2008 it was decided that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) would adopt the specification to allow wider discussion and further standardisation work.

A minor revision (OAuth 1.0 Revision A) was published in June 2008 to fix a security hole. The OAuth 1.0 Protocol was published by the IETF OAuth Working Group in April 2010 as RFC 5849.

A number of Internet companies and services adopted OAuth 1.0 but it was considered too much of a pain in the arse to work with by developers because it involved complicated signatures being passed around and there were too many requests between clients and services.

In May 2010 work began on version 2.0 of the OAuth protocol. Version 2.0 is not backwards compatible with OAuth 1.0a and focuses on developer simplicity. It also features more flows to allow the use of OAuth in more situations, as well as extensions to the core protocol to enable interoperability with assertion based protocols such as SAML.

OAuth has been adopted by many large Internet services and companies, here are some to name a few:

  • Google (v2.0)
  • Yahoo (v1.0a)
  • Twitter (v1.0a and v2.0[1]))
  • Github (v2.0)
  • Microsoft (v2.0)
  • Foursquare (v2.0)
  • Salesforce (v2.0)
  • Facebook (v2.0)

We have been using OAuth 2.0 here at the University of Lincoln since late 2011 where we investigated using it for the Total ReCal project so that students here at the university could access their event data. Our implementation was based on some work I’d already been doing in the area based in my own time.

We currently have over 30 application using OAuth to interact with our data sets including the Student Union website, the staff directory, Orbital, and four 3rd year student final projects.

In October 2011 I spoke at EduServ’s Federated Access Management conference about how OAuth works and how we are using it. The slides for this presentation can be found at https://speakerdeck.com/u/alexbilbie/p/introduction-to-oauth.

During the Linkey project I’m going to be redeveloping my CodeIgniter OAuth 2.0 server to a be a framework-agnostic Composer package. I’m also going to be adding support for the bearer extension and the assertions extension.

  1. Currently on Twitter Connect supports OAuth 2.0 using the XXX flow.  ↩

Plan for w/c 09/07/12

The plan for this week (w/c 09/07/12) is as follows:

  • Continue re-architecting my original OAuth server code into a composer library that is framework agnostic – the code is available at https://github.com/lncd/oauth2server/tree/develop.
  • Meet with Paul Stainthorp to understand (and watch) the difficulties user face access library resources.
  • Following the above, capture videos and screenshots of users accessing library resources so we can hopefully show at the end of the project how things have improved.
  • Write a blog post entitled “What is OAuth?”
  • Response to Tim Bray’s blog post on “OAuth 2 and friends, is way too hard for developers” to show how easy OAuth 2 actually is compared to OAuth 1.0a.
  • Announce the Linkey project on the OAuth mailing list.
  • Finish the project plan for JISC.

What is Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG)?

Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) is a piece of server side software which provides secure access to corporate networks, systems and applications. It incorporates a number of different access technologies including VPN, HTTP reverse proxies and the Microsoft-developed technologies DirectAccess and Remote Desktop Services. Remote clients can access these corporate resources through a special web site that is hosted on an IIS server which is bound to the UAG software.

UAG includes built integrations for Microsoft Exchange Server (2003, 2007 and 2010), SharePoint Server (2003, 2007 and 2010), Remote Desktop Services and Citrix Presentational Services. It also includes a technology called SSL-VPN which allows for authentication integration with most 3rd party and custom software.

UAG can use a number of different authentication sources including Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS and SecurID. Finally it can also “speak” SAML and ADFS.

Microsoft identifies a number of benefits of using UAG:

Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) is designed to provide secure remote access in a way that extends application intelligence, security and control, and ease of use. Key benefits include:

Anywhere Access

Forefront UAG makes it easier to deliver secure remote access to your applications and resources, and improve employee and partner productivity, by combining an intelligent access policy engine with a variety of connectivity options including SSL VPN and Direct Access. Forefront UAG:

Empowers employees, partners, and vendors to be productive from virtually any device or location through integrated SSL VPN capabilities.
Delivers simple and secure access optimised for applications such as SharePoint, Exchange, and Dynamics CRM.
Extends networking connectivity with Windows Direct Access to existing infrastructure and legacy applications.

Integrated Security

Forefront UAG improves the security in remote access scenarios by enforcing granular access controls and policies that are tailored to the applications being published, the identity of the user, and the health status of the device being used. Forefront UAG further improves security by enabling strong authentication to applications and mitigating the risks of downloaded data from unmanaged devices. Forefront UAG:

Protects IT assets through fine-grained and built-in policies that provide access to sensitive data based on identity and endpoint health.
Easily integrates with Active Directory and enables a variety of strong authentication methods.
Limits exposure and prevent data leakage to unmanaged endpoints.

Simplified Management

Forefront UAG offers a single platform through which to deliver and manage remote access. With built in policies and configurations for common applications and devices, you can gain more control, more efficient management, greater visibility, and lower total cost of ownership. Forefront UAG:

Consolidates remote access infrastructure and management.
Simplifies deployment and ongoing tasks through wizards and built-in policies.
Reduces support costs by delivering a simplified connectivity experience for users.

Source: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/forefront/unified-access-gateway.aspx

How UAG can help us

At the university we have a number of existing web based applications which will benefit from having UAG integration.

We currently have SharePoint and Exchange 2003 installations (which will soon be upgraded to 2010) which UAG can natively integrate with.

We use Blackboard Learn as our LMS and Zendesk as our support desk software, both of which have can use SAML for single sign on.

We are also looking into potentially using UAG as the access point for Windows 7 thin client access.

How can UAG work with OAuth?

As UAG can use SAML to communicate with services it means that we can use the OAuth 2.0 assertions specification to create a translation framework between SAML assertions and OAuth tokens. This will extend some of the work that we’ve originally done on our OAuth server and the updated code will be published.

One of the outcomes of this project will be a case study (with open source code examples) on how UAG and an OAuth server can work together (though because we don’t know how this may work at the moment it could be that it turns out they can’t work together…) and on this blog we will document our experience.